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Frequently Asked Questions

How far through my pregnancy should I be when I do my antenatal (childbirth) class?

Most women typically finish their course when you're about 32-36 weeks pregnant.  As classes run for seven or eight weeks, you would therefore begin your class when you are about 6-7 months (or about 25 weeks) pregnant.

I see your evening classes have different times and lengths - what's the difference between the six week and eight week evening classes?

Nothing! - our childbirth educators all teach in their own individual manner, and cover the same material using their own teaching techniques and timings

How early should I book for my antenatal (childbirth) class?

As class numbers are limited to 12 women plus support partners, our classes fill up very quickly. You should book for a spot in a class as early as you can in your pregnancy.

I'm a solo mother-to-be.

Will I feel uncomfortable in an antenatal (childbirth) class full of couples?

We hope not! Anyone is welcome in our classes, and our families come in all shapes and sizes - we have many solo mothers, same sex couples, much older first-time parents, and couples where one partner already has children. As a solo mum, you're very welcome to bring along a support person with you to the class - your mum, a friend, your sister - anyone who you'd like to support you through your pregnancy and birth.

I have no family in Wellington, and I'm looking for ways to get a support network when I have a baby. Can you help?

Our antenatal (childbirth) classes have two purposes - one is to provide information and advice about the later part of your pregnancy, giving birth and the first six weeks of being a new parent.

But the other purpose is to provide you with the opportunity to mix with and get to know the people in your class, who will be having babies at around the same time as you. Your class can act as a support group for each other, as you'll all be having similar experiences at much the same time. Of course there's no obligation to keep seeing your classmates once the class is finished, but we provide the opportunity if you want to.

I'm a parent of preschoolers and I've just moved to Wellington - where can I meet other parents and get support?

Our support groups are based around the groups that do their childbirth education or Baby & You classes together. You are welcome to join a Baby & You class (for parents of newborns to 4 month olds), even if you haven't attended a childbirth education class with us. If you have passed that stage, we suggest:

  • join the Parents Centre committee - a group of 10 or so with children of different ages, with a focus on socialising as well as running the centre.

  • investigate other support organisations like Mothers Network, or single parent organisations such as Birthright, Mothers Alone etc.

  • join the committee of your local Toy Library, Plunket, or Kindergarten

How can I tell WSPC what I thought of the class I attended?

We pride ourselves on providing a quality service and are always interested in hearing your thoughts or suggestions. Evaluation forms are provided at all classes. If you have a complaint or a suggestion for improvement please

contact us. If you would like some feedback please ensure that you include your name and contact details. If you have a serious complaint, please do contact us so we can improve our services.


How can I comment on my midwife's performance?

There are a number of different ways to provide feedback on your midwife's performance. These include talking directly to your midwife, phoning the Midwifery Council for advice, or phoning the NZ College of Midwives regional committee's resolution line (consumer representatives are able to speak to you in confidence) on 801-6180. For more serious issues, you can contact the Health & Disability Commissioner's office for a mediation conference. Information on expected performance standards is also available from the Maternity Services Health Funding Authority. 


I had a great time at my classes, I would like to give something back - how can I help out?

We would love to have your help - all of our services are administered by volunteers and we are always in need of helping hands.

Do I need to be a member of WSPC to attend the classes?

The fee for our childbirth education classes includes your first year's membership fee, so you will automatically become a member for those classes. All parents or other caregivers are welcome to attend our Parenting classes, although priority for places is given to members of WSPC and other Wellington region Parents Centres. The prices are also lower for members!

Do I need to live in the Wellington South area to be a member of WSPC?

No, you don't. All Wellington regional centre members are entitled to pay member's prices for any parenting classes offered throughout the region, and receive the retailers discounts in the region. So you will receive the same benefits whichever Centre you join in Wellington, wherever you live.

However, if you are attending childbirth education classes, we recommend that you choose a Parents Centre which provides classes to parents who live in the same area you live (or area you intend to move to) - this will make it easier to visit each other after your baby's birth, to get that all-important support from the parents you meet at those classes.

I am a research professional wanting access to pregnant or postnatal parents for my research. Can I come to your classes and ask your members to take part in my research?

No, you may not come to our classes without specific arrangements being made first. We are very protective of our members' contact details and their time in our classes. However we do support legitimate research projects that will have benefits for pregant women and families.  Please contact us to disuss this.

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